The Life & Times of Laverne da GoocheÕ

Drag Queen Extrodinaire!

By Scott Foster


The following photos represent only one decade (1980s) of the long reign of one of the worldÕs most recognized Drag Queens; LaVerne da GoocheÕ of Oklahoma City, Hollywood and Honolulu. More to come as it washes up.

La da GoocheÕs very favorite glamour shot.



EDITORÕS NOTE: da GoocheÕ of course always got her fair share of the ink. The above shows a very curious (and confused) Honolulu Advertiser reporter interviewing a gracious da GoocheÕ out in the rain in front of the State Office Tower on Beretania St. in downtown Honolulu. Note sign reading, ÒNo Fault Is A DragÓ. Also note da GoocheÕs lovely little bearskin slippers.



LDGÕs business card which read, No-Fault Insurance Reform Expert ExtrodinaireÕ



(above) When La da GoocheÕ was not out on the streets protesting, she was often seen at Hamburger MaryÕs – here helping MaryÕs late owner ÒSpaghettiÓ Eddie  celebrate MaryÕs 13th birthday during the early 1980s. Sadly in this photo, the electric lights on the faux cake had failed due to a technical malfunction. The battery pack had somehow jiggled loose on the dancefloor.



(above) A supine LdG wearing her famous black Bar Whore corset – modestly presented

in her equally famous monochromatic living room in Honolulu.



(above) LdG out on yet another Halloween, this time with the wife of Mr. Scott Foster,

the late Lynn Ellen Ryan-Foster. When asked Òwhat do you want to be,Ó Lynn said ÒthinÓ and using her renown costuming prowess, LdG Indeed accomodated her desire (for the evening).


(above) LdG wearing her famous black Bar Whore corset for the very-first time at a grande Halloween party at her Honolulu penthouse. Scott FosterÕs friend and room mate Mark Wiley poses with the grande diva. LdG was one of the last Drag QueenÕs in America to know the fine art of ÒtuckingÓ (hiding oneÕs box).